Wednesday, March 18, 2015

PART 2: ADAOBI WHY!? Re: (Documentary Video) Keep your young children away from Femi Fani-Kayode (by Adaobi Kate Uchegbu)

                                                                      Adaobi Rita Uchegbu
This is matters arising from Adaobi Kate Uchegbu’s attempt to tarnish the image of the Femi Fani-Kayode in a documentary uploaded on YouTube recently. Adaobi is an All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftain who is a part of their communication experts, whereas Femi Fani-kayode is the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) spokesman for the 2015 campaign.
When we watched this documentary we wondered if she did not know it seemed too obvious she was out to do a job. What we do not known however is whether she knew that while she attempted to point one finger at Fani-Kayode that she ended up with three pointed at herself.
Recall that yesterday we promised an analysis of the documentary she allegedly produced with the help of Sahara Reporters agents. What we did here is to give you a verbatim quote from the documentary transcript she made, make comments where necessary, as well as ask a lot of questions.

Please relax and read on….

Adaobi Uchegbu: I was one of the ladies Chief Fani-Kayode spoke about in 2013 August, when he spoke about 3 Igbo women he allegedly had intimacy with… as at that time I did not feel a need to respond to him because I knew it was drugs talking.

Our comment: the fact is that in 2013, Adaobi actually responded by exonerating Fani-Kayode of tribalism allegation. (It was the tribalism allegation that prompted Fani-Kayode to say he was intimate with three Igbo ladies and thus could not have harboured tribal sentiments). Adaobi went on to say in 2013 that she will always defend Fani-Kayode. But that she was too busy with political activity in Anambra then to deny, defend, accept, or discuss the other issue of having intimacy with him.
Questions for Adaobi: why did you not tell us that it was “drugs talking” then in August 2013? Why did you have to wait 17 months after to tell us it was “drugs” and not Fani-Kayode that talked?
                                                          Femi Fani-Kayode

Adaobi: the reason why I am speaking now is because Fani-Kayode has turned himself into the enemy of the Nigerian State. The Fani-Kayode that I know is a man of unstable character. This is a man I know as my boss from 2002 – 2006. The Fani-Kayode that I know is a very serious and serial paedophile. He has no scruples sleeping with a woman of 15, 16, 17. When we were working as SA (Special Assistant) to Obasanjo, he would always go to Sheraton (hotel) at night to carry all these girls that wear Hausa dresses. He always picked the ones of very young age.

Read Adaobi’s Response to Fani-Kayode in 2013: “I met Chief Fani-kayode at a PDP presidential rally at Eagle's Square in 2003. And when Chief Fani-kayode became the Special Assistant to the president on Public Affairs, I became one of his many aides. I will not deny the fact that it was in Chief Fani-Kayode's office that I had my first experience in politics. It was in Chief Fani-Kayode's office that I learnt the gift of eloquence and public writing. I learnt from Chief Fani-Kayode the virtue of being loyal to your boss. And most of all I learnt the ability to be determined and show love to my country Nigeria.”
Our comment: what has changed since Adaobi made this comment? Is it just because Fani-Kayode went back to his party the PDP and Adaobi joined the APC? How come Adaobi has suddenly remembered (or is it conjured?) that Fani-Kayode was involved with under-aged prostitutes after defending him so strongly? Someone had mischievously suggested to us that Adaobi may be sulking that Fani-Kayode may no longer favour a certain overaged or aging prostitute.
We are sincerely shocked to even hear that a “15, 16, 17” year old could go to Sheraton to hawk herself. We are wont to say that age does not convey virtue or innocence on anyone. The Bible similarly says in Wisdom 4:7 that the “length of day is not what makes age honourable, nor number of years the true measure of life…untarnished life, this is ripe old age.”
However, the important question for Adaobi is: if you know all these to be true since 2002 – 2006 why did you keep quiet? If you know all these to be true why did you choose to defend him rather than expose him at the auspicious time he said he had intimate relationship with you? What has changed? What is the change? Is this the change?

Adaobi: Fani-Kayode is a man who must smoke weed and a quantity of cocaine. When I talk about it he said this is what keeps him sane. He’s a man I know that has a long track record of domestic violence. He has no scruples in hitting a woman. He has hit me before. He has hit many numbers of girls whom I have seen him with.

Our comment: Adaobi should think through what she said. Your boss was doing drugs in your presence, and the only thing you could do was to ask him “why”, after that you were okay with his reason. Is this what you want us to believe Adaobi? That same boss you say beats you up and you were okay with for 4 years you worked with him? You neither called the cops nor spoke to a lawyer? And you say you are a “prominent Igbo woman”? Someone who watched your documentary remarked to us that you probably take the Nigeria public as stupid. You said in the documentary that Fani-Kayode on “more than one occasion slaps me here and there.” And you did nothing “prominent Igbo woman”? We verily suspect that Adaobi might either be dishonest, mischievous, or both!

Adaobi then went on to make so many creative allegations against Fani-Kayode. She says he was so protective of his daughters to the extent that she suspects incest. What else would a political jobber not say to tarnish an image? Adaobi then seems to go on to open the doors for all manner of eventualities. She says that Fani-kayode had threatened that any time she exposes any of these “he was gonna get me or any member of my family.” So if any of her enemies or Fani-Kayode’s opponents latches on this to “get” her it can be hung on Fani-Kayode’s shoulders she expects?

If you read our earlier rejoinder to Adaobi’s 2013 response to Fani-Kayode, her new propaganda documentary did nothing to alleviate our opinion that she is rather a dimwit. And this sheds light on the character of the APC propaganda machine. The APC propaganda machine seems to be making the mistake of hurrying to “retaliate” or “catch up” to the documentary on Pa Buhari and Pa Tinubu - the two icons of the gerontocratic political party.
We do not however see any problem with APC coming up with their own documentary as we see healthy debates as enhancing our democracy. We however think that every debate should dwell on issues and policies that will enhance the common good. Personality slurs of the nature Adaobi embarked on is rather the stuff of puerile politics.

She did not even bother to show a single evidence of her claims. We seriously wonder how her parents, siblings and other relatives would bat their eyelids while they watched her smear documentary video.

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