Thursday, June 13, 2013

Billionaire Pastor's Plane Crashes In Lagos! Read Full Story....

Another plane crash is once again recorded a few days after the one years remembrance of Dana Air crash victims. This again happened at the Igando area of Lagos.
As at press time however the actual time the plane fell of the sky, or the cause of the crash is not known as officials give appearance of being in the dark. But Lagosians living in the area said they woke up to see a plane crashed at the busy Igando. They said the plane had many parts damaged by the impact.
It also seems rescue officials responded quick as witnesses we spoke to said they did not see crash victims who may have been hastily evacuated, leaving only blood stains behind. But they woke up to see officials trying to tow the plane away, ostensibly from obstructing traffic.
What is known for now is that the plane is one of the Private Jets sector owned by multi-billionaire pastor and man of God, Gabriel Oduyemi of World Crusade.
On the body on the expensively acquired private jet is boldly written the logo (GO), and the registration number is N972TF.
Further Information on the crash would be relayed.

Stay Tuned...

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